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The best specialist in Australia?
10/16/2008 22:45
10/16/2008 22:45
The best specialist in Australia?

hi my mother has recently been told she has Dupuytren's disease and i was wondering if anyone knew the best person to see in Sydney? I've just started researching it -- is aponevrotomy only available in France?
Thank you

11/03/2008 02:38
Steve Maher

not registered

11/03/2008 02:38
Steve Maher

not registered

Re: The best specialist in Australia?

David Hunter-Smith is a Surgeon performing NA in Victoria.
Lovely man - I went to him 3 months ago and the results are wonderful with no complications - Check him out.
Mr David Hunter Smith
Coastal Plastic Surgery Centre
1/262 Main Street
Mornington 3931
Resident Plastic Surgeons
Mr David Hunter Smith
Miss Marie Rostek
Phone: 03 5976 3522
Fax: 03 5976 3544

11/03/2008 02:41
Steve Maher

not registered

11/03/2008 02:41
Steve Maher

not registered

Re: The best specialist in Australia?

Sorry - I should have added that it depends on how advanced the condition your Mother has is? Mine was fairly advanced and benefited greatly from the NA proceedure.
But if you contact David he will ask you to send photographs showing her hands and have relevent questions too.


Victoria   performing   complications   aponevrotomy   researching   recently   proceedure   wondering   condition   Hunter-Smith   Australia   Dupuytren   questions   specialist   photographs   available   Mornington   advanced   benefited   wonderful