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Three months on !
04/02/2014 05:58
04/02/2014 05:58

Three months on !

I has now been 3 months since the fasciectomy operation on my left hand ( Base of thumb up to tip of index finger , middle finger and ring finger ). The swelling has subsided a little , but still unable to make a fist and the finger joints are still very stiff . Physiotherapy and periodically wearing "spring clips" to keep my ring and index finger from bending again , and massaging E45 and Bio-oil into my hand . I didn`t expect the recovery to be this long , but after reading some of the threads on this forum it is not un-usual . Good news is that I am able to fly-fish even with a less than perfect left hand . Unfortunately I also have dupuytrens in my right hand ( I am not in any rush for more surgery !!).

04/05/2014 12:23
04/05/2014 12:23
Re: Three months on !

I has now been 3 months since the fasciectomy operation on my left hand ( Base of thumb up to tip of index finger , middle finger and ring finger ). The swelling has subsided a little , but still unable to make a fist and the finger joints are still very stiff . Physiotherapy and periodically wearing "spring clips" to keep my ring and index finger from bending again , and massaging E45 and Bio-oil into my hand . I didn`t expect the recovery to be this long , but after reading some of the threads on this forum it is not un-usual . Good news is that I am able to fly-fish even with a less than perfect left hand . Unfortunately I also have dupuytrens in my right hand ( I am not in any rush for more surgery !!).

I'm glad you can return to fly-fishing! It's the little things in life that can make us happy.

Yeah, I don't think your description is too unusual after three months. I had surgery last fall and it did take months for things to calm down. Hang in there and keep doing all the things you are supposed to do in therapy.

~ dawn

wearing   supposed   description   Unfortunately   recovery   swelling   perfect   Physiotherapy   threads   dupuytrens   fly-fish   surgery   un-usual   periodically   flyfisher66   subsided   operation   fly-fishing   fasciectomy   massaging