Treatment for Knuckle Pads |
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11/29/2007 16:06
cfosternot registered
11/29/2007 16:06
cfosternot registered
Treatment for Knuckle Pads
I am a female in my mid 50's (U.S., east coast) and have both Dupuytren's Contracture and Lederhose. My Ledderhose started in my twenties and was just a few lumps in my left foot and didn't proliferate until recently. My Dupuytren's contracture was in my left hand with some lumps and visible cords, but no contracture. However, in the past year I have seen a swift acceleration of my symptoms. I have gotten several new lumps on my left foot and the other foot now has some small ones. My Dupuytren's is now in early stages on the other hand and I have developed what clearly appear to be knuckle pads on my right hand. They are on the index and middle fingers. This freaks me out much more than the other conditions because they hurt when I bend my fingers and my career requires me to type most of the day and it is becoming painful. In addition, the Dupuytren's has some treatment options such as NA, but I have seen no information on types of successful non surgical treatment for Knuckle Pads.
Any information on non-surgical treatments and where to find them would be most helpful. This is my first time on this forum. Also, should I see a dermatologist or an orthopedic/hand surgeon? I noticed that some of the articles where written by dermatologists.
11/29/2007 17:13
11/29/2007 17:13
Re: Treatment for Knuckle Pads
I'm also mid-fifties. Over the last 10 years I've developed knuckle pads on most of my fingers. They're small and not a problem. In the early stages there is inflammation and they're larger. I wouldn't quite say "pain" but there was some sensitivity and discomfort; if I accidentaly whacked one, it hurt. After a while the inflammation goes away and the pads seem smaller.
I had one removed as part of a Dupuytren surgery; it never came back.
The interesting thing is, a couple of these pads have appeared and then, over a period of years, gone away on their own; others seem to be getting smaller.
I wouldn't mess with them unless they're large and are restricting movement.
11/30/2007 06:28
11/30/2007 06:28

Re: Treatment for Knuckle Pads
Hi Australia Calling. Unfortunately knucke pads are an indication of getting the disease in an aggressive form .I have received my first treatment for ledderhose on both feet 5X3Gy ( OrthoVoltage machine ) in Essen Germany. I am going next week for my second treatment .I have noticed a massive reduction of a large lump on the ball of my right foot and the softening of the cord in my left arch. The pea size nodule on the cord is reducing in size. I can now walk on the beach over shells without much trouble. I would investigate Radiotherapy for both your hands and feet. Try using a soft moisturising creme or even vasoline on you hands at night and wearing cotton gloves. I have all including having had many operations and skin grafts. I would not wait. Investigate the literature which is available on this site. Regards from down under.
11/30/2007 23:11
11/30/2007 23:11
Re: Treatment for Knuckle Pads
cfoster, in answer to your original question, there are no non-surgical treatments for knuckle pads.
08/31/2012 23:39
08/31/2012 23:39
Re: Treatment for Knuckle Pads
Hi! I'm a 56 year old woman. I started with ledderhose about 4 years ago then dupuytrens in left hand. Now both feet & both hands affected. Now I'm wondering if I'm getting knuckle pads. About 2 months ago I suddenly got pain, swelling and redness on my pip joint, left hand-middle finger. The redness and swelling went away but the pain is still here. About 4-5 weeks later I got pain in my pip joint, right hand-middle finger. I got an appointment with a rheumatologist in October because I thought I it was arthritis. I have arthritis in both thumbs and actually had joint replacement in one almost 2 years ago. I wonder now if it's knuckle pads starting and if a rheumatologist knows anything about dupuytren's! One thing I hate about all these conditions is the lack of knowledge in the medical field. Any one else have sudden, painful onset with knuckle pads?
09/01/2012 03:49
09/01/2012 03:49
Re: Treatment for Knuckle Pads
My Dupuytren's started in my thumbs, but I self-diagnosed it as beginning arthritis. Much later, I had nodules develop in my palm and was diagnosed with Dupuytren's. When I finally asked my doctor, he said it was not arthritis in my thumb. It was this stupid disease deep in my thumb before any signs of nodules showed up anywhere. This disease is so-ooooooooo weird!
09/01/2012 04:14
09/01/2012 04:14
Re: Treatment for Knuckle Pads
I have Dupuytren's in both hands and Ledderhose in my left foot. I have had radiation therapy (RT) for left hand and left foot, and needle aponeurotomy (NA)...twice on same finger.... many years ago I also developed one knuckle pad on the PIP joint of the left ring finger. It was very sensitive and inflamed, it hurt mostly when I accidently would hit it or when bending the finger at that joint, but after a long time the inflammation went away and after a few years of having a problem with it, the pad is almost gone !
Edited 09/01/12 07:16
09/13/2012 19:40
09/13/2012 19:40
Re: Treatment for Knuckle Pads
My father had DD and when I was in my early 20's the knuckle pads appeared. The GP had no idea what they were and I was shipped off to 3 different hospital departments until the connection with DD was made. I was advised not to have them removed just in case surgery was required if the hands developed a contracture later on. I do suffer pain if I accidentally bash them on anything but over the years (I am now in my early 50's) they have not altered in any way. A couple of years back DD appeared in both hands and now I require treatment on my left hand which is about 40 degrees.
09/13/2012 20:14
spanishbuddha  Administrator
09/13/2012 20:14
spanishbuddha  Administrator
Re: Treatment for Knuckle Pads
RozL: My father had DD and when I was in my early 20's the knuckle pads appeared. The GP had no idea what they were and I was shipped off to 3 different hospital departments until the connection with DD was made. I was advised not to have them removed just in case surgery was required if the hands developed a contracture later on. I do suffer pain if I accidentally bash them on anything but over the years (I am now in my early 50's) they have not altered in any way. A couple of years back DD appeared in both hands and now I require treatment on my left hand which is about 40 degrees.
You have some choices for a contracture: NA or Xiaflex(Xiapex in UK), or Surgery.
See a hand surgeon familiar with all three procedures for the best advice.
09/16/2012 08:48
09/16/2012 08:48
Re: Treatment for Knuckle Pads
Spiffy: Hi! I'm a 56 year old woman. I started with ledderhose about 4 years ago then dupuytrens in left hand. Now both feet & both hands affected. Now I'm wondering if I'm getting knuckle pads. About 2 months ago I suddenly got pain, swelling and redness on my pip joint, left hand-middle finger. The redness and swelling went away but the pain is still here. About 4-5 weeks later I got pain in my pip joint, right hand-middle finger. I got an appointment with a rheumatologist in October because I thought I it was arthritis. I have arthritis in both thumbs and actually had joint replacement in one almost 2 years ago. I wonder now if it's knuckle pads starting and if a rheumatologist knows anything about dupuytren's! One thing I hate about all these conditions is the lack of knowledge in the medical field. Any one else have sudden, painful onset with knuckle pads?
I got redness, heat, and pain in both ring fingers, then knuckle pads. I now am getting them in my middle finger knuckles, and have a mass in my right thumb. I also have Ledderhose in both feet which can be extremely painful.
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