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Trigger Finger + Dupuytren
04/19/2010 16:39
04/19/2010 16:39
Trigger Finger + Dupuytren

I had surgery for trigger finger on my right hand in December, and shortly thereafter got very large amounts of scar tissue beneath the incision site which my surgeon diagnosed as Dupuytren's. I guess it is presenting atypically - progressing more sideways than up and down. It's beneath the ring and middle in the right hand. I also have a small bump on the left, beneath the ring, which is also Dupuytren's.

I am only 30 years old, and I am rather scared about what I am hearing about this disease. I am concerned about my ability to work as the disease progresses and the effectiveness of treatments.

Right now, I am really struggling with whether or not to have surgery to correct the trigger on the left hand. I am currently thinking that I should do physical therapy on the right and see if I can increase the extension - learn exercises to try and help keep the Dupuytren's tissue flexible and extended as best I can - before I go on to have it on the left. I used to be able to flex my palm backwards about 40 degrees - now it hurts in the ring to make it flat.

Many people in the forum seem to have had adverse reactions to surgery, so I am wondering if I should put off the trigger surgery as long as possible to avoid exacerbating the Dupuytren's on my left. I think it can get much worse before I decide that it really needs to be fixed.

I know that you are all not my doctor - I'm not looking for medical advice, just patient opinions.

Thanks so much!

04/19/2010 19:09
04/19/2010 19:09
Re: Trigger Finger + Dupuytren

I didn't see anywhere on how long you have DD but what i can say is i just finished RT about 5 weeks ago and i have had DD give or take about 9 months. I never got any contractions but i did have nodules below each finger and also have cords below each finger and could not do certain things. I kept reading on the forum and knew from the very beginning i was not doing surgery and didn't want to wait for contraction so RT was my route of treatment and it has helped so much and i would do it again in a second. Please read everything on here about people that used RT. I feel like i did the right thing for me. I believe that no ones should do surgery. Take care

04/20/2010 15:46
04/20/2010 15:46
Re: Trigger Finger + Dupuytren

Thanks! To clarify, my problem is, I will need to have the surgery for the trigger finger, at some point - it will be unavoidable. I am very interested in the radiation; I have only had DD for about a month, but on my right hand, I have nodules 1.4" long and about the diameter of a pencil.

My concern is that the surgery for the trigger will worsen the DD by a lot. And so I have been thinking I should put the trigger surgery off for as long as I can - until I really need it, to be able to use my hand. It sounds like that would be the best idea? And perhaps I can pursue the RT in the meantime - the only US docs I know about who do it (I live in the US) are a bit far from me, but if I can save up enough money to pay for it in another state, I am willing to travel.

Thanks for your input!

04/20/2010 17:55
04/20/2010 17:55
Re: Trigger Finger + Dupuytren

What state do you live in because i know of a really good doctor in Missouri. It is the doctor i used and i think he is great. Very nice and understanding. And since your DD has just started you would have very good luck with RT. And my medical insurance paid for mine. I just paid my deduct. Good luck on what ever you do. Take care

04/20/2010 18:16
04/20/2010 18:16
Re: Trigger Finger + Dupuytren

Thanks! To clarify, my problem is, I will need to have the surgery for the trigger finger, at some point -

My concern is that the surgery for the trigger will worsen the DD by a lot. And so I have been thinking I should put the trigger surgery off for as long as I can - until I really need it, to be able to use my hand. It sounds like that would be the best idea? And perhaps I can pursue the RT in the meantime - Thanks for your input!

I agree with Cindy...hope you consider RT since you are in the beginning stages... I live in southern CA, and could recommend a good Dr. here too. By the way....years ago I had a trigger finger in my right thumb, it was clicking at the base of the thumb and I scheduled surgery....just a few days before the scheduled surgery, the thumb stopped clicking, I've never had a trigger problem again.

Doing the RT while your DD is in early stages and waiting on the trigger finger surgery seems like a good idea to me...

Let me know if you need info. on radiation (if you're near southern CA)...
My Medicare paid for mine.

04/22/2010 07:28
04/22/2010 07:28

Re: Trigger Finger + Dupuytren

Hi Australia Calling. I developed a trigger finger after a surgery for Dupuytrens. My surgeon said if it became a problem he would give me a steriod shot. I never had it . I do stretching exercises and also force making a fist. I had RT in 07 and after about 6 months the trigger finger (middle ) did not happen again. In some patients surgery seems to restart the process of growing the Dupuytrens requiring further surgery. I have met plenty of patients who had surgery and have had no further development of Dupuytren. Unfortunately I was not one I had 15 hand surgeries including 4 skin grafts, but I must say I can still place my hands flat on the table. Radiotherapy seems to work best on nodules in the early active stage before any contraction.

04/23/2010 18:20

not registered

04/23/2010 18:20

not registered

Re: Trigger Finger + Dupuytren

Thank you for your discussion. I have Dupuytrends develped in my right hand at the ring finger and beginning at the middle finger. It is also just beginning at the ring finger of my left hand. Additionally, on the right hand my middle finger and thumb have just become trigger fingers.

I understand there are shots that are used to relax trigger fingers, but I have not heard of radiotherapy for this. Is surgery the only 'fix' for Dupuytrends? (At 72, I wouldn't want to have multiple surgeries as has had by Newman.)

04/24/2010 01:24
04/24/2010 01:24
Re: Trigger Finger + Dupuytren

There are treatments other than surgery. From your description, it sounds like Needle aponevrotomy/NA should certainly be considered before surgery. You can go to Needle aponevrotomy in the menu on the left column of this page to read about NA, find doctors who do the procedure and look at the research. After you look at that information, don't hesitate to come back to the forum and ask questions specific to your hands. You'll find people who will make suggestions about what to consider. Then you will decide for yourself.

04/24/2010 03:07
04/24/2010 03:07

Re: Trigger Finger + Dupuytren

Hi Australia Calling. I had RT for the treatment of Dupuytrens and not Trigger Finger. I have a feeling that the Radiotherapy treatment softened the surrounding tissue and possibly allowed a bit more movement, which prevented the tendon from moving out of alignment. I was informed by an Upper limb surgeon that many patients with Dupuytren can develope Trigger Finger. NA is the way to go . From the reading I've done I believe the treatment of trigger finger is a simple procedure. Do a google search on Trigger Finger -it is interesting.

Edited 04/24/10 11:36

05/18/2010 13:46
05/18/2010 13:46
Re: Trigger Finger + Dupuytren

Thanks for the responses, everyone! I live in New York, and there doesn't seem to be anyone in my state who offers RT, but I am very interested in that, as I know Dupuytren's responds poorly to trauma like surgery and NA, and it seems like I may have caught it early enough at least on the one hand to have a shot. I have found a doctor in Boston who offers the treatment, and although it will mean using all my vacation time for the two weeks it would take, I am going to pursue that as a first choice option. I appreciate the input!

I also have decided not to have surgery on my left hand trigger finger until the finger becomes unusable. It will mean I still have to give up knitting - a favorite hobby - maybe forever - but given what happened to my right hand following surgery (I now have nodules 3cm long and 1 cm in diameter) - I don't want to chance accelerating the development on the left.

Dupuytren   aponevrotomy   surrounding   contractions   exacerbating   contraction   surgery   understanding   Unfortunately   effectiveness   beginning   Trigger   treatment   development   Radiotherapy   Dupuytrends   accelerating   Dupuytrens   Additionally   suggestions