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Try to show your hand condition to a Dr via email : the measurements I used
08/14/2012 04:39
08/14/2012 04:39
Try to show your hand condition to a Dr via email : the measurements I used

I have been treated for Dupuytren by RT on my right hand and right foot in Germany in 2011 and 2012.
I am French, living in Japan, but neither France nor Japan seem to provide RT for Dupyutren (at least not easy to find) so I looked somewhere else.
My choice went to Germany where i was treated.
But before getting treated, you need Dr assesment bt palpation. And I didn't want to make the trip to Germany for assesment only : if I would go there, then hopefully it would be to be treated.
So the problem of how to decide if my status was appropriate for treatment pointed out.
The Dr explained me that the palpation check was necessary for the final decision but I could send pictures to try to show my status and we could discuss over it to decide a timing for a visit. When I went there the first time I could start a treatment right away because the conditions were right.
If it can help some of you who are experiencing this remote Dr and visit timing problem, I would like to explain the pictures and measurements I sent to the Dr. : see the attachment file.
Please also note that this measurements can be used regularly to follow the evolution of the disease effect as well.
Appart from the measurements in the attached file, the Dr advises me another one : put my hand flat on a paper and open my fingers as much as possible, then write the shape on the paper by going around with a pen.
I hope it can be of interest for some of you.

08/14/2012 14:45
08/14/2012 14:45
Re: Try to show your hand condition to a Dr via email : the measurements I used


Thank you very much for sharing this information with us. This is an interesting way of communicating the level of hand deformity in a rather precise manner. I must say more precise that what is normally requested. Often RT doctors in communicating like this over the internet request information in the form of a picture of the palm of the affected hand (or hands, feet etc.) I wonder in your case did your RT doctor also require such pictures to help in the evaluation.

I wish you continued success with your condition.

08/15/2012 14:35
08/15/2012 14:35
Re: Try to show your hand condition to a Dr via email : the measurements I used

Very good idea, Vann, to collect OBJECTIVE measurements for comparison ....

Advantages :

- You can share this information with other sufferers and doctors ...

- You can measure changes over time to decide on certain procedures ...

- You can measure influence of treatments on the hand / foot condition

Options (for Dupuytren Disease):

- Measurements of number and size of nodules and cords

- Area of the involvement of the palm and the fingers

- Type and extent of finger spreading - right versus Left Hand

- Extent of function (extension) deficit for each finger

- Extent of knuckle pads for each finger ...


Options (for Ledderhose Disease):

- Measurements of number and size of nodules and cords

- Area of the involvement of the foot sole

- Type and extent of gait disorder and other foot functions

- Extent of function (extension) deficit for each tow



- To learn more about our disease progress and impact of therapy

- To give something to our doctors for an appropriate evaluation of different therapies

Best regards, Larry

Edited 08/15/12 17:37

08/22/2012 11:03
08/22/2012 11:03
Re: Try to show your hand condition to a Dr via email : the measurements I used

Yes, the RT doctor also required pictures. Actually the doctor asked me pictures first, but as my stage is not advanced I found it difficult (not to say impossible) to see anyhing from the pictures. This is why I tried to think about another way to explain my situation and came up with the method I presented to you.

Concerning your options, for the measurement of number and size of nodules and cords, I found it very difficult to find out myself what is normal and what is a nodule. Cords are even harder for me to detect.
This is maybe because my stage is not advanced but I found it difficult to measure. For the moment I am just able to say where something is wrong (nodule or cord) because it hurts under pressure.
I am supposed to send updates of my situation to my doctor from palpation examination and I have difficulties with it.

Thank you to you two for your comments.


measurement   Ledderhose   difficulties   situation   communicating   appropriate   examination   treated   interesting   palpation   disease   pictures   difficult   evaluation   experiencing   attachment   condition   information   involvement   measurements