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Wearing Wrist Splints At Night for Dups
10/22/2010 05:13
10/22/2010 05:13

Wearing Wrist Splints At Night for Dups

I got two conflicting opinions from Drs as to wearing wrist splints for Dups. They are carpal tunnel splints (which I also have mild in both wrists). I am wearing them it has been 2 weeks now, I see no change for the better in the Dups (they have actually progressed) the Dr did say it would take awhile to notice a difference.

What is your experience with wrist splints to slow the progression of Dups or lessen the pain?


10/22/2010 07:17


10/22/2010 07:17


Re: Wearing Wrist Splints At Night for Dups

I can't see how a wrist splint should helo for Dupuytren's. It ought to be a splint for the according finger, see e.g. at the bottom of http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr...techniques.html. Even then there is no proof that splinting helps preventively. Some say yes, some say no. To my knowledge there is no ultimate decision on it.


10/22/2010 19:43
10/22/2010 19:43

Re: Wearing Wrist Splints At Night for Dups

Thanks for the link. Well that splint would be usless for my two thumbs if they contract.

At first my ortho Dr said to wear the splints at night, but maybe he was just talking about the carpal tunnel. When I called him back to get a script for splints he would not give me one saying (through his nurse) they now believed splints to be useless. So I asked my internist and she gave me the script and said it would take time......but I am not too sure about her, she thought I had ganglion cyst when I in fact thought it was Dups.

Since none of my 3 fingers have contracted fully (I can only feel the middle one starting it is not noticable expect in a pulling in the skin on the palm side and it is moving along rapidly. So I am trying to do whatever I can to slow it.

I think what the splints do is they keep me from putting my hands in postiions that cause me more pain. I have noticed less pain on arising but they continue to advance.


Edited 10/22/10 22:53

10/24/2010 03:52
10/24/2010 03:52

Re: Wearing Wrist Splints At Night for Dups

So last night I did not wear my splints and my cords were difinetly more enlarged and painful on arising. I am going back to the carpal tunnel splints tonight.


splinting   dupuytren-online   Dupuytren   according   preventively   Loonsong   techniques   difference   experience   postiions   progressed   difinetly   Splints   noticable   progression   contracted   internist   Wearing   knowledge   conflicting