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weighting lifting tricks to keep dupuytrens at bay (bench press etc)
04/07/2021 12:30
04/07/2021 12:30
weighting lifting tricks to keep dupuytrens at bay (bench press etc)

searching internet and havent found anything how to safely do like bench press or weight with dupuytrens. anybody with some tricks of do's and dotn I would be grateful

04/07/2021 14:30


04/07/2021 14:30


Re: weighting lifting tricks to keep dupuytrens at bay (bench press etc)

searching internet and havent found anything how to safely do like bench press or weight with dupuytrens. anybody with some tricks of do's and dotn I would be grateful
We have an old thread on this here https://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_...1462&page=1

I don't think there's any specific answers beyond the obvious extra padded gloves, wrist hooks, etc. Maybe try 'sting' pads too? I deadlift a modest amount, without gloves, and the grip is important. Maybe someone else will chime in.

04/14/2021 06:44
04/14/2021 06:44
Re: weighting lifting tricks to keep dupuytrens at bay (bench press etc)

I got padded weight-lifting gloves, and then added gel pads inside the gloves over the nodules - the kind of gel pads that fit in the heel of shoes. It worked great as you can move them to cover whatever spots are most tender.

12/09/2021 06:31
12/09/2021 06:31
Re: weighting lifting tricks to keep dupuytrens at bay (bench press etc)

I got padded weight-lifting gloves, and then added gel pads inside the gloves over the nodules - the kind of gel pads that fit in the heel of shoes. It worked great as you can move them to cover whatever spots are most tender.

Gel gloves are really smart, do you have a name/link to where you got gloves like that? I want to get my dad a good pair of gloves to cycle in for his Dupuytren's. Thank you so much!

12/09/2021 06:56


12/09/2021 06:56


Re: weighting lifting tricks to keep dupuytrens at bay (bench press etc)

I got padded weight-lifting gloves, and then added gel pads inside the gloves over the nodules - the kind of gel pads that fit in the heel of shoes. It worked great as you can move them to cover whatever spots are most tender.

Gel gloves are really smart, do you have a name/link to where you got gloves like that? I want to get my dad a good pair of gloves to cycle in for his Dupuytren's. Thank you so much!
There's a good selection of 'cycling gel gloves' on Amazon. You might also consider 'ergonomic bicycle grips'.

12/09/2021 14:42
12/09/2021 14:42
Re: weighting lifting tricks to keep dupuytrens at bay (bench press etc)

This is what I am now using inside my gloves. It's a gel hand protector designed for catching balls. It works great for DD.


i don't have a link to the actual gloves - I think I got them in the sports equipment section of Target. But as spanishbuddha said, they are widely available.

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