What happens after the OP? |
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04/02/2008 16:49
04/02/2008 16:49
What happens after the OP?
Hi, I am new to the forum and just had a Partial Fasciectomy here in Germany. Has anybody any experience on how long the recovery takes. I had a zigzag cut from the wrist up to the top joint on the little finger which was bent right down towards my palm. The finger was not straight after the OP and no splint was put on (as I heard is normal in the UK) .Four weeks later the finger is at about 90 deg,still scabbed and swollen and seems to be blocked from going any straighter - is this as good as it gets or will it all loosen up when it finshes healing and how much physiotherapy is required. I think this is an excellent site with tons more info than you can get out of the doctors.
04/02/2008 18:08
04/02/2008 18:08

Re: What happens after the OP?
The best person to evaluate your particular case would be your physical therapist. I must say, however, I am concerned that you don't have a night splint.
04/03/2008 02:57
04/03/2008 02:57

Re: What happens after the OP?
Hi Ian 55- Australia Calling, It does not sound too good . I've had many surgeries, I found the movement , which I had after one week to 10 days after the removal of the stitches (or when they had disolved )was about the best I was going to get. To reduce the swelling keep your hand elevated (hand on shoulder) . Exercise is very important. Try making a fist- stretching the fingers and simulate playing the piano etc. ,this all helps to increase the blood flow and the dexterity of the hand. Gently but firmly. Needs to be done as much as you can in the early days. I would have had Physio a few times a week ,particularly as this is your first operation and you need advice on how to exercise. I hope you are using a enriched Vitamin E Cream on the scar tissue . When you say your finger is at 90 degrees do you mean it is at right angles to your palm, if this the case I would have concern as to why the contraction was not released. I have never had the use of a splint ,but in one of my ops on the little finger the Surgeon inserted a metal thick needle in the back of the hand over the joint , to keep the little finger straight . It was removed 14 days after my surgery . Sounds primative but it worked. You might need a second opinion from another surgeon. Keep us posted.Regards
Edited at 04/03/08 11:44
04/03/2008 04:27
diane snot registered
04/03/2008 04:27
diane snot registered
Re: What happens after the OP?
Don't get too discouraged after one month. More improvement can occur. Physical therapy can help a lot so ask your doctor about it. They may have removed the nasty stuff but your skin and other tissue still thinks it should stay bent and thats where the physical therapy can help loosen things up. They may want to get your finger straighter before prescribing a night splint - mine was made by the pt after the pt work began. It may be a few months before you get the full result.
04/04/2008 12:49
IanMc55not registered
04/04/2008 12:49
IanMc55not registered
Re: What happens after the OP?
Hi , Sorry folks I can't log on for some reason, I rechecked/confirmed my password and it still won't go. Maybe the Administrator could check it, otherwise I could reregister. Ian55
04/04/2008 15:40
guestnot registered
04/04/2008 15:40
guestnot registered
Re: What happens after the OP?
I log on under Issleib but I can't log on either. It won't accept my pass word.
04/05/2008 04:52
wach  Administrator
04/05/2008 04:52
wach  Administrator
Re: What happens after the OP?
Colleen, I informed the software company about this problem and hope they have an idea what to do. I will look into this first thing on Monday. I hope it can be fixed. Sorry about that!
I log on under Issleib but I can't log on either. It won't accept my pass word.
04/05/2008 14:21
Wolfgangnot registered
04/05/2008 14:21
Wolfgangnot registered
Re: What happens after the OP?
Colleen, could you do me a favor and try the "lost password" funtion? It works like this: when you login you see in the bottom right of the small login form lost password. When you click on u]lost password the forum will send you a mail with your pw. Please try this password and let me knwo whether it works.
Thank you!
I log on under Issleib but I can't log on either. It won't accept my pass word.
04/05/2008 17:18
Guestnot registered
04/05/2008 17:18
Guestnot registered
Re: What happens after the OP?
I clicked on lost password and it sent me not my password but a nonsense mixture of upper and lower case letters and numbers that is 32 charactures long!! With my poor typing skills I'd never get it entered correctly.
04/06/2008 06:49
wach  Administrator
04/06/2008 06:49
wach  Administrator
Re: What happens after the OP?
Colleen, the problems seems to be that the scrambling of passwords has not worked for all users. What the system returned to you was probably your scrambled pw ... what you could do is copy this scrambled pw and paste it into the login field (both is easy via the context menu, right mouse click). Once you have loged in go to "My profile" and change your pw to a more reasonable one. That ought to work (at least I hope so). Sorry again!
I clicked on lost password and it sent me not my password but a nonsense mixture of upper and lower case letters and numbers that is 32 charactures long!! With my poor typing skills I'd never get it entered correctly.
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