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What therapy did John Elway have?
11/29/2023 15:56
11/29/2023 15:56
What therapy did John Elway have?

I'm 38 and I have just been diagnosed with Dupuytren's. I have a knot in my palm and my pinky hasn't lost mobility, but it's sore when I type and hurts a fair amount when I play guitar (honestly unsure if I should stop).

I saw John Elway had this disease and he said he had treatment to completely free his hand. Does anyone know what he had done?

I read a bit about radiation therapy at beginning stages, needling, and surgery. Was considering looking more into radiation since my condition is less than 4 weeks new. The knot popped up overnight. I have seen a hand specialist, and while I hear he is a fantastic surgeon and does needling in the office, he basically just handed me a pamphlet and said let's look at it in a few months.

Thankful to find this form. My anxiety is through the roof having played guitar for 30 years.

11/29/2023 16:48


11/29/2023 16:48


Re: What therapy did John Elway have?


My understanding is John Elway had Xiaflex/Collagenase to treat his contracture(s).

Most treatments offered by surgeons, including Collagenase, are to remediate contractures. There are only a few treatments available to delay or temporarily halt ongoing progression in the early or pre-contracture stages. It sounds like your doctor decided that since there was no cord and no contracture then NA was not an option? Most active people, myself included dislike the perfectly valid option of 'wait and see' although I would say wait and see with regular objective recording of symptoms and progression in a personal log. The condition often flares and then goes dormant in cycles, and for the majority does not progress to a contracture.

If you have early sore inflamed progressive nodules you could consider a triamcinolone steroid shot whilst investigating the availability and possibility of RT; or wait and see and monitor.

There are also lots of 'unproven' self-help remedies you can read about, some on this forum. Unproven by trials but often anecdotally reported as helping. If it makes you feel better try them, but keep your costs to a controlled minimum whilst still being aware of the next steps to take with a doctor.

Edit to add, I play piano and have continued to play throughout. The things I have stopped is some forms of mechanical DIY and car maintenance that is hard on the hands, and now wear gloves for gardening, minor DIY, racquets sports, modest weights, and maintain an awareness of potential trauma to the hands.

Best wishes SB

Edited 11/29/2023 17:52

11/30/2023 13:32
11/30/2023 13:32
Re: What therapy did John Elway have?

Thanks for all that information! I find this forum so helpful!

12/03/2023 03:38
12/03/2023 03:38

Re: What therapy did John Elway have?

I also had xiaflex injections. Opened all 4 of my fingers. Had surgery on pinky which had a slight curl . The surgery caused all 4 fingers to curl up in a tight fist , could not open them. Then found a doctor in Portland Oregon doing research with xiaflex and had the hand injections.

The injections were very painful and my whole arm swelled up for few days. But I would not want to do it again unless dup had caused a complete loss of one hand again. After a week I went back to the doctor and he slowly opened each finger carefully. It’s great to have fallen in the last phase of the study early in the procedure. Have not had any reoccurrence since 2011.

Edited 12/03/2023 04:41

temporarily   information   Collagenase   possibility   treatments   maintenance   pre-contracture   contracture   injections   availability   investigating   considering   understanding   progression   contractures   reoccurrence   progressive   triamcinolone   anecdotally   therapy