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12/29/2011 16:57
12/29/2011 16:57

Hi all, I just had the xiaflex done in my right hand and here I am typing! Had the Dup. in the ring finger with two bands in palm of my hand. This is the third day out since the injection, hand is swollen but I'm doing good. The procedure went like this......... It was done in the office, not the sugery center. No deadner at the site and it hurt like hell, three shots so my wife tells me. Hand was wraped in gauze and I went home and slept a few hours. The next day he started to streach out the tendon with me sitting on the table. I had to ask to be laid down because I feared I was ready to pass out.
(I didnt) He continued and it hurt twice as much as the injections! I was told to continue to streach it 2-3 times a day. And I have to wear a brace during the day on and off but mostly at night for about 3 weeks. I would recommend this to anyone considering sugery. Doug B.

12/29/2011 18:08
12/29/2011 18:08
Re: Xiaflex


Have you had surgery for Dupuytren's?

12/29/2011 18:20
12/29/2011 18:20
Re: Xiaflex

Hi, no I have not had anything done at all. This is fairly new to me, I've had the D.C now for 3 yrs. Just found this site today and have been reading up on all of this. Makes me wonder about things! Up untill now I was able to do my job and enjoy life, I remain positive that wont change. I am a supervisor now so I dont do all the manual labor I once did. Now its mostly driving and writing and computer work. Thanks for the reply, Doug B.

12/29/2011 18:33
12/29/2011 18:33
Re: Xiaflex

I asked because I think your reaction was similar to mine before I had surgery. Having had surgery I feel considerably better about it than the other choices I might have made. Firstly, it wasn't painful. My little finger was at 90 degrees contracture. My finger now remains at zero degrees contracture (after 10 years) and is as good as it was prior to Dupuytren's. I only say this because there can be, and usually are, good outcomes from surgery. If you think about it there are a tremendous number (tens of thousands) of surgeries every year for Dupuytren's. If surgery was the fearful procedure that some on this website (who haven't had surgery) portray, there would be literally hundreds on this website telling of their bad experience.

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