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Z plasty Surgery for Dupytrens
04/14/2020 17:50
04/14/2020 17:50
Z plasty Surgery for Dupytrens

How many times can you have Z plasty surgery on the hand

04/14/2020 18:44
04/14/2020 18:44

Re: Z plasty Surgery for Dupytrens

I had z plastic done one time . The procedure seemed to activate the contracture . In less than a month after surgery my pinky finger began to curl up worse than original contracture before surgery. 4 months later 3rd and 4th fingers begin to contract. By 6 months three fingers had contracted to a fist. All while therapy and splints were used.

04/14/2020 19:26
04/14/2020 19:26
Re: Z plasty Surgery for Dupytrens

Thank you, my partner has had two surgeries the first was successful, the second not successful, as the punky contracted into a totally z shape itself and the dupytrens worsened in the palm.
I would like to know if he could or should have a third z plasty???

04/15/2020 00:05
04/15/2020 00:05

Re: Z plasty Surgery for Dupytrens

In my case the surgery caused the nodes in two additional cords to contract two additional fingers. Originally only had one cord to pinky effected.
My surgeon would not try surgery again, instead referred me to another hand surgeon for xiaflex injections. This procedure is painful but worked and straightened out all the cords in three fingers with several small injections in the palm area. That was 9 years ago. All fingers still ok.
However, over the past few years since xiaflex injections it’s important to take care to not do things to aggravate the palm,ie.vibrations and from pressure holding things. Wearing foxglove-a type of glove splint for Dupuytren’s at nite helps keep the contraction at bay.

Edited 04/15/20 03:07

04/15/2020 07:00


04/15/2020 07:00


Re: Z plasty Surgery for Dupytrens

Repeat surgery in the same place is often difficult because of scarring and damage or change from previous surgeries. It's best to ask your surgeon for their opinion, and then get a second opinion. This is one of those examples where the opinion of a plastic surgeon experienced in doing reconstructions might be helpful.

If DD recurrence is an ongoing problem with surgery, then alternatives might be a better option. I believe there are trials on the usefulness of RT after surgery, and as already mentioned less invasive procedures might be looked at although the outcome may be a compromise.

04/17/2020 04:19
04/17/2020 04:19

Re: Z plasty Surgery for Dupytrens

Surgery caused thick scar tissue build up in my palm. Also in my case activated DC in two additional fingers along with the pinky.

Xiaflex eliminated all the thick scar tissue on my palm from surgery and the nodes on three cords with no recurrence of DC in 9 years.

Scar tissue and nodes on the cords are made up of collagen tissue which xiaflex is designed to dissolve. Within a month my hand was useful again .

additional   vibrations   Dupuytren’s   straightened   reconstructions   Surgery   contracture   experienced   contracted   injections   alternatives   contraction   Dupytrens   successful   usefulness   fingers   foxglove-a   surgeon   recurrence   xiaflex