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02/24/2016 14:03


02/24/2016 14:03


Re: Xiapex

Hi all , I go in on Monday 29th , late afternoon for the injection then early Wednesday 2nd for the manipulation . I am more than a bit concerned , especially all the problems I had after the operation on my left hand as I still have a lot of scar tissue , and one large nodule returning . I always said "I am not going through that again with my right hand" . However , my consultant basically told me that I have little choice with my right hand as " doing nothing is not an option " . At the time of the operation on my left hand Xiapex was not a treatment as it was not funded by the NHS . Trying to remain positive is difficult !!
Who's the doctor/surgeon? Have you done any checks on his experience with Xiapex (or NA, or DD surgery)? Skill and experience counts here.

    02/25/2016 02:46
    02/25/2016 02:46
    Re: Xiapex

    Hi fly,
    I believe everything will turn out fine. I am set up to do the same procedure March 28th. I fully understand there may be some pain, however, I like what I anticipate the outcome will be. Good luck and let us know how things went.

      02/25/2016 02:48
      02/25/2016 02:48
      Re: Xiapex

      I'm certain your procedure will be routine and successful! Mine was. Xiaflex has also been used to dissolve scar tissue. I don't know all the specifics but I would discuss that with your physician. Might be some side benefits. Keep us posted, I think you will be amazed at the results.

        02/25/2016 12:45
        02/25/2016 12:45

        Re: Xiapex

        Thanks for the positive comments , generally on the NHS you do not know who will be performing the operation/procedure until the visit to the hospital . I will be asking when I arrive Monday afternoon , who is performing it and previous experience ! I will keep posting updates as to the success ( me being positive ).

          02/25/2016 17:57


          02/25/2016 17:57


          Re: Xiapex

          Thanks for the positive comments , generally on the NHS you do not know who will be performing the operation/procedure until the visit to the hospital . I will be asking when I arrive Monday afternoon , who is performing it and previous experience ! I will keep posting updates as to the success ( me being positive ).
          I don't wish to disagree, but my own experience in the South of the U.K. is that there is increasing transparency amongst the specialist teams (of consultants). Often the professional biography is published online by the local Trust, and you can go so far as to ask for a specific consultant. You can go further and ask for a referral to a consultant in a completely different trust or area of the country. You should already have had a pre treatment interview perhaps by a nurse, and on the day the surgeon himself should talk to you prior to the treatment where you can interview him/her.

          My own recent experience was such that I cancelled my first operation at the pre treatment interview (this was not for DD), asked for a referral to the head of the unit, and was eventually seen and treated by him. On the day of the procedure, since I was having a general, I asked him who was actually doing the procedure, and he told me he was. I saw him in the theatre before going under preparing for the op, and he spoke to me within 20 mins of coming around. The message really is ask questions, state clearly, politely but knowledgeably, what you want, and they will endeavour to provide it. This includes your GP, nurses, the support teams, and the consultants all in the NHS. I'm in my mid sixties, and recognise this is not the NHS state institution my parents were used to, and despite funding and staff shortages it endeavours to be more patient oriented.

          Edited 02/25/16 19:59

            02/26/2016 08:49
            02/26/2016 08:49

            Re: Xiapex

            Thanks SB , I have already checked on the local NHS website , plastic surgeon specialist , there is only one name listed whose speciality is hand surgery . I have to arrive earlier than my actual appointment ( hand measurements etc ) , I actually intend to arrive in plenty of time with a list of questions at the ready . For example .. " who is performing the procedure" ? "experience" etc etc .

              02/29/2016 20:58
              02/29/2016 20:58
              Re: Xiapex

              Econn, do you mind me asking what your recovery time was. My lab tech said I couldn't do anything with my hand for three months. I was hoping for three weeks.

                02/29/2016 23:46
                02/29/2016 23:46
                Re: Xiapex

                My doctor sent me to a PT specialist who made a night time splint for me to wear every night for the next 3 months and gave me some PT exercises to do. I asked my doc what my limitations were and he said to just to go ahead and use my hand normally, just avoid anything that produced pain. Within 1 1/2 weeks I was using my hand normally, doing things I hadn't been able to do for years!! My hand was a little sore because I was moving it in ways it hadn't been moved for a while.

                  03/01/2016 07:44
                  03/01/2016 07:44

                  Re: Xiapex

                  Hi all , I had the Xiapex injection yesterday afternoon , the injections were "uncomfortable" , after about 30 minutes I was allowed to go home . Around two hours later , I had a very strange tingling pain in my hand , and for a short while it was quite painful . This morning it just feels a bit sore , with no real pain , although as instructed I am keeping my hand elevated . I am due to go back tomorrow morning for the manipulation . PS The "top" hand consultant for the hospital performed the injection .

                    03/01/2016 16:45
                    03/01/2016 16:45
                    Re: Xiapex

                    You will be amazed at the results, I know I was. I'll never forget that snapping noise though, I jumped when the cord snapped and the doc thought he had hurt me. Nope, you just don't expect that sort of noise coming from your hand!!

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