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Aggressive NA--Denkler and others
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10/07/2009 03:01

not registered

10/07/2009 03:01

not registered

wizard of Larkspur

Just paid a visit to our friend Dr. Denkler in Larkspur. I had a new nodule in my right hand that was growing fairly fast and caused discomfort in some activities. It had a cord on it as well but no contracture. I wanted to get a shot of kenalog to shrink it before it got worse. As ususal. Dr. D exceeded my expectations. He gave the shot but also broke up the nodule a bit with the needle. And then popped the cord. That part was sort of an accident and surprised us both!

Also he looked at my left pinkie which was pretty scarred from several prior surgeries. He suggested injecting a product used for filling deep wrinkles for cosmetic purposes to soften the scar and fill in areas left by old surgeries which can help push it a little straighter. He said it was something he had tried a few times with some improvement. . So I said go for it. Well it was puffy for a few days but it has softened that tissue. And I measured with my own goniometer and the bend is reduced by about 5 degrees. So as usual I got better results than I expected. And went to see the King Tut exhibit too. Always something good happens when I visit the Wizard of Larkspur. diane

10/08/2009 02:04
10/08/2009 02:04
Re: Aggressive NA--Denkler and others

I like your term for Dr. Denkler. He and the other hand specialists who are doing NA and other less invasive procedures are in a class by themselves. Maybe that's what wizards are, doctors who put their patients' best interests ahead of $ and traditional "We've always done it this way." medicine/surgery.

I don't have any indications that I will need those other procedures, but it is always good for us to know the what possible treatment options are.

11/04/2009 18:42
11/04/2009 18:42
Aggressive compared to what?

Dr. Denkler may be more "aggressive" i.e. thorough than other NA practitioners but this has never been factually established one way or the other. NA though is no where near as aggressive nor has anywhere near the potential for severe damage as traditional open hand surgery as with a fasciectomy. When one person alleges that a particular doctor is more aggressive than another it is important to know that the term aggressive means in this context and what direct experience that person has with the community of surgeons doing NA.

I had my hands fully bandaged for 12 hours after NA by Dr. Denkler but that was to prevent infection. He could have used bandaids to cover the incisions but in his judgment that was a riskier post-operative approach. I would expect the need for the bandages to vary by patient and the areas of the hands that received the incisions. Obviously incisions made on the palm are not going to accept a simple band-aid while this might be fine for an incision on the finder. The amount of bandaging is not going to be a reliable indicator of the NA procedure performed.

Complications from NA is not only 85% lower than with open hand surgery the complications are no where near as extensive (as with complete and permanent paralysis of the hand) and the recovery time is a day instead of many months.

11/12/2009 01:17

not registered

11/12/2009 01:17

not registered

Re: Aggressive NA--Denkler and others

Just in case you don't think this is about money overall, just wait at how many people who pooh, pooh-ed NA jump on the Xiaflex bandwagon. Similar modus and similar potential complication rate (less than open) but since there is a lot of phama money to be made, it will be heavily promoted. Surgeons will be wined and dined and shown how to inject on expensive cadaveric hands at meetings across the country. Sadly enough, the procedure will cost patients more than NA (but less than open surgery) and Pfizer will promote this to insurers ensuring that they cover Xiaflex the minute it is released by the FDA. Docs, however, being horrible business people in general will not notice that their actual reimbursement will be lower for Xiaflex injections than NA which in turn is less than for open surgery. Enterprising (and risky/aggressive) primary care docs with no surgical and little Dupuytren's experience will start injecting Xiaflex (just like Hyalgan/Synvisc/Euflexxa these days) until they get a ruptured tendon complication. Pfizer stock will soar.

Eh, maybe I'm a cynic. And just FYI, those reimbursement numbers are from an area known to have pretty crappy reimbursement. I'll bet the surgeon fee for open fasciectomy in some place like Alaska or Beaumont TX is well over a grand. But the takeaway point is that the other fees (hospital/OR) are usually about 10 x the surgeon fee. The surgeon fee for an open procedure in the OR only covers your time. The surgeon fee for the office procedure is supposed to cover the cost of your maintaining a procedure room and the staff and supplies for the procedure.

Few patients know all this crazy stuff. In fact, few docs know it unless they run their own business (and the poster who was the adult child of a doc is working off of completely ancient premises - the best known docs are often cash pay only - the biz of medicine in 1970 was nothing like what it was in 1985 and both are totally different than 2009 - in fact, huge changes even from 1999 to today - ask how many docs were salaried employees +/- "production bonus" 10-20 yrs ago vs today as opposed to actual owner/partners)

Now how did I get sucked into another rant... Back to work

11/12/2009 03:13
11/12/2009 03:13
Re: Aggressive NA--Denkler and others

Good observations. I think you are probably right on.

11/13/2009 01:25
11/13/2009 01:25
Re: Aggressive NA--Denkler and others

I see this has turned into another bash the doctors and surgeons website. Notice that out of tens of thousands of surgeries each year there are only a few complaints about Dupuytren's surgery on this website. It is easy to assume by the tone of conversation that many on this website are "plants".

11/13/2009 06:40


11/13/2009 06:40


Re: Aggressive NA--Denkler and others

Callie. I strongly disagree with your statement. This web site is not bashing doctors and surgeons, rather it informs objectively on pros and cons of various therapies. Please show any bashing statement on our web site and we will remove it immediately.

With regard to the forum it is natural that the satisfied patient goes away and lives happily while the dissatisfied patient feels he/she ought to warn the world. That's very legitimate. I fully agree with you that many Dupuytren surgeries are performed each year and most patients are happy with their results. Still, surgery isn't the only option and the other options have their benefits, too. What we want to achieve is good, reliable information, informed decisions, an stage-oriented treatment (see http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytr..._therapies.html).

Your assumption that "many on this web site are "plants"" is strange. I can't see any content justifying your opinion. Besides that all registered users provide their email addess. Not registered users might theoretically do some trolling but we don't want to enforce registering and rather prefer an open forum. I personally believe that our forum has been providing value to many, many patients and I am sure it will continuue to do so.

PS: no one ever criticized you when you posted your poositive experience with surgery, right?


I see this has turned into another bash the doctors and surgeons website. Notice that out of tens of thousands of surgeries each year there are only a few complaints about Dupuytren's surgery on this website. It is easy to assume by the tone of conversation that many on this website are "plants".

11/13/2009 15:12
11/13/2009 15:12
Re: Aggressive NA--Denkler and others


My mistake, I should have said the forum, and not the website. Examples? Just read the above comments in this thread (and others). Rather than just talking about the successes of NA, or radiation, as an alternative to surgery, there is the accompanied dig about doctors and surgeons who feel more comfortable performing fasciectomies, or fasciotomies. The derogatory comments are often made by those who have never experienced these procedures. Would you want me to list the comments? It would take some time, but it could be done.

I appreciate the information that is presented in the website. I have less of an appreciation for those who make a point of indicting hand surgeons who don't perform NA.

11/13/2009 16:35
11/13/2009 16:35
Re: Aggressive NA--Denkler and others

callie, I've been reading this forum for several years. You will see criticism of surgeons and conventional surgery here, and positive comments about NA, but you are wrong in thinking any significant amount of this is coming from people who haven't had those procedures.

I've had 2 conventional DC surgeries myself. People who haven't had these surgeries have no reason to be biased against them, they come here wanting to know what to expect, and whether to go ahead with one. Those of us who have had surgery, in many cases, feel the risks, downside, and recovery time were understated, and have found that surgery causes new problems while correcting old ones. I've also had an NA procedure and while that's not a miracle cure either, I now feel that the comments I've read here over the years regarding NA were for the most part correct.

11/13/2009 23:17
11/13/2009 23:17

Re: Aggressive NA--Denkler and others

Hi Callie, Australia Calling, I cannot comment about US doctors, all I know it costs a lot more inth US than anywhere else. Most doctors in my experience are not in it for the money and they are not generally business minded. I was an administrator of a private hospital for some years had a lot of dealings with practioners. The forum is not anti surgery. I know about hand surgery I have had 15 hand surgeries including 4 large skin grafts. Only a couple of years have passed since these other options have become available and more widespread both here and in the US. I believe the forum has been instrumental in spreading the word and allowing patients to bring these other options to the medical practitioner. It was as the result of the forum in 2007 ,after a repeat surgery that I found Radiotherapy was an option. It was not available here in Australia and rare in the US. Most patients as I did travelled to Germany. My surgeon was horrified and I was told to expect holes being burnt through my hand as well as cancer. It is all a matter of education. In my case without the surgery -I hate to think and I was gratefull, however I now know that the first surgery started the clock ticking for the next and the next .If you are over 60yr and have your first surgery that may be the first and last. With your comment about "plants "in the forum I see no justification for the claim. Have a good day.

Edited 11/14/09 01:21

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