Do I have Dupuytren~sq~s? |
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12/27/2004 23:06
Tom Mnot registered
12/27/2004 23:06
Tom Mnot registered
Vitamin C
Dupuytrens takes a different path with each person. So what one person lives with routinely may be a "trigger" for another. Vitamin C is one of those factors which, for many, is a trigger or aggrevation. Personally, I avoid excess Vitamin C, but do take Vitamin E. I encourage you to look back through the posting here, and you will see that vitamin C, glucosamine, trauma to the hands, and excess alcohol are among the factors to be avoided.
12/28/2004 23:44
Cindy McCoynot registered
12/28/2004 23:44
Cindy McCoynot registered
Could I have this disease?
Recently my left hand ring finger bends by its self down to the palm of my hand. It is stiff and after manipulation around the middle joint of the ring finger, I can finally feel it slide in such a way that I can bend it again. It is painfull during this. This happens when I clutch something, or can happen at night and I will awake to find it bent this way. I also notice something similar with the same finger on the right hand though not as bad. I never had this before until the last four or five months. This almost feels like the finger is dislocated and when it bends it feels like it is snapping back not at the joint but between the middle joint and the hand. I have been told I have arthritis and have some swollen joints so I thought this was related, but after reading about this I am thinking this is my trouble. Any ideas would be so much appreciated.
12/28/2004 23:31
progression??not registered
12/28/2004 23:31
progression??not registered
it seems there are a lot of people with experience with this disease..does anyone have information about the progression of it and if it is possible for it to stop advancing on its own?? thank you, meg
12/28/2004 23:56
12/28/2004 23:56
meg, Dupuytren's often can go dormant for a long period of time, or even for life.
12/28/2004 23:17
megnot registered
12/28/2004 23:17
megnot registered
sean: thank you
12/28/2004 23:42
Lamernot registered
12/28/2004 23:42
Lamernot registered
Dr. Eaton
Please contact Dr. Eaton:
Dr. Charles Eaton The Hand Center 1002 S Old Dixie Hwy, Suite 105, Jupiter FL 33458 Phone 561-746-7686 FAX 561-746-3420
Please do not go under the knife
12/29/2004 23:15
G. V. Blacknot registered
12/29/2004 23:15
G. V. Blacknot registered
David of Dentinal School
Hi, David. Scary thought, eh? Four years and a bazillion dollars in tuition to anticipate compromized hands. The good news is that DD can be managed with NA (needle aponevrotomy.) I am a Dentist (as are other posters) and have had the same anxieties. Fear not, become educated and have an evaluation with a an NA practioner in the US or Europe. Assuming that you are familiar with Periodontal disease, DD is similar. There is a genetic predisposition and complicating co-factors. Sufferers of the maladay have been dealt a "hand" and must deal with it. Exaccerbating factors may be minimized with care and prophylaxis. Periodically, NA intervention (SRP equivalent) may be indicated. Admittedly, extreme cases (stage 4 DD or class IV perio) have unfavorable outcomes. My advice: learn what you can about Needle Aponevrotomy and your family tree. Have a consult with a Doctor mentioned on this site or the Badois Site (Lariboisiere Hospital.) Brush, floss, Listerine and NA every few years until gene therapy is available. DD/DC does not intrefere at all with my profession; however, I had no signs until my late 50s. Early cases can be more aggressive. Vitamins and health products, lotions, creams, etc. are not proven to have any benefit. Is there a toothpaste or mouthrinse to reverse periodontitis? Good Luck!
12/29/2004 23:13
Randy H. not registered
12/29/2004 23:13
Randy H. not registered
Trigger finger
G.V.B. That is some very sound reasoning and advice. However, I can't seem to persuade myself to floss. I think only dentists do that:) Happy New Year to All.
12/29/2004 23:04
12/29/2004 23:04
Trigger finger
your situation sounds like it could be Trigger Finger, which is not DD. A friend had that problem & an operation corrected it. I have no idea whether NA would help, but it's worth checking it out.
01/07/2005 23:24
01/07/2005 23:24
trigger finger.
Cindy, I have had three trigger fingers, and that is what you are discibing. It is a very simple surgery to correct it. Patty
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