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Needle Aponevrotomy experiences
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11/28/2005 23:16
Sam in PA

not registered

11/28/2005 23:16
Sam in PA

not registered

Suzie Q


What is your problem? Why so violent? Please go away.

I have asked if one of the frequent posters to this site can offer some solid, hard data to support the many, many claims make that NA causes less, or no, nerve damage than does surgery.

Its a simple that I have every right to ask and so far, there have been no answers others than strong statements about "the French" and Dr. Eaton will show us someday.

Please, to Randy and all others: please show us the proof. Real data. Real science and no stories.

Maybe there is no proof. Now that would be a problem.

Suzie, try to show some maturity. If you suffer from dups as do I, you are likely over 40. Try to act like it.

11/28/2005 23:57

not registered

11/28/2005 23:57

not registered

NA versus surgery


At this time there is no one thoroughly complete study on NA, Dr. Eaton will have it ready in 2006. If you are concerned about studies to support NA it is your right to choose surgery. As for the rest of us, the many many many who have 'gone where no man has gone before' we have trusted our hands to the CERTIFIED HAND SURGEONS who have been trained in both NA and traditional surgery to help us understand which treatment is best for our particular stage and form of DC. You do not have to listen to anyone here, you can do the same as we did - ask a trained Certified Hand Surgeon - preferabley a surgeon who has been trained in both surgical and NA treatment of DC so they can give you correct answers, not guesses.


11/29/2005 23:58
11/29/2005 23:58
NA versus surgery

Perhaps you should look at the facts.
This is the only complete study I am aware of.

11/29/2005 23:11
11/29/2005 23:11
NA versus surgery

having had both now- 3 NA's w/dr Eaton and surgery a
week ago, I feel I need to clarify something for those doubters out there.

I unfortunately had surgery FIRST because I did not know of this informative site.

I feel it was that surgery that accelerated my dups.
I had it on one hand and one finger only.
after surgery it jumped to the other hand and involved 3 fingers on each hand. Surgery ACCELERATES dups progressiion!
I had the NA w/Dr Eaton on both hands. It was very successful and I returned the folloing year for NA on the left hand only.
Then when dups returned on the left hand after only 4 months, Dr Eaton suggested I have surgery as it is not adviseable to have NA at such short intervals.
I am unfortunately one of those people who have a rapid recurrance so surgery was the only option.
I truly believe in NA and will do it again if I can.
Surgery hurts like hell and the rehab process is lengthy and painful. We should all be grateful to Dr Eaton for blazinbg the NA trail.
If anyone wants to email me directly I'd be happy to reply. good luck to all and here's hoping Dr. Badalamante in Stoney Brook gets FDFA approvals real soon.

11/29/2005 23:47
Randy H.

not registered

11/29/2005 23:47
Randy H.

not registered


<<<"Can you tell me who the percentage of NA patients who are advanced cases vs. less advanced? I bet you can't.">>>

I'll bet I can. I Interviewed Eaton in person and asked him *very* pointedly what percentage of all the patients that contact him is he able to help with NA. He answered "nearly all". The main problem is scaring from previous Open Surgery, *not* severity of contraction. His office will confirm that he does NA on *all* stages, including stage 4, with fingernails digging into the palm. (Ouch!)

So, to argue that his lack of nerve damage is due to the exclusion of more severe cases has no grounds. There is no reason to assume that his clients present with any less severity than before he stated doing NA.......*except* for this one fact:

NA can be done far *sooner* than OS (20 Vs 45 degrees respectively). From that we could deduce that the *average* contraction he now sees is lower than when he was doing OS for Dups. Arguing that *this* is the reason that his rate of nerve damage is now at Zero only supports the case for making NA the initial form of treatment before resorting to more draconian measures.

Proof? You know very well that, by *definition*, the kind of "proof" you demand will not be available for at least 2-3 more years. Nothing can be published until 5 year rates of recurrence are included. You are demanding to be shown what can't as yet possibly exist, while ignoring or minimizing the excellent data that does. Did you need to see the pictures from Space to believe he Earth was round?

But we digress. The whole point of this debate was my statement that most CHS believe that NA is dangerous, causing nerve damage. Obviously they are quite out to Lunch on this point aren't they.

marjorie: Our friend here isn't really interested in looking at the facts. They don't meet his standards.

11/29/2005 23:35
Sam in PA

not registered

11/29/2005 23:35
Sam in PA

not registered

Nerve Damage


You are a piece of work! And, a very good one! You are angry, nasty and should lose that attitude. You make weak points very forcibly to support your arguements and are acting like a schoolyard bully.

I have no doubt that NA can "help" nearly everyone. But, what does help mean? Does that mean that NA can produce similar results to surgery for better or for worse? Probably not, but the procedure is still vaild. Again, you are mixing apples and oranges and just won't let go of it. If NA helps less advanced cases - and I know something about advanced dups, I have it - that's great!! If it is a stop-gap procedure that can delay surgery, that's even better. But, if at the end of day, someone must have surgery, then your earlier claims that NA causes less nerve damage than surgery simply does not hold and is wrong.

Also, as for nerve damage, oh great Randini, please tell me how that is measured? If its not measured in a controlled environment, then we just don't know whether its nerve damage, scar discomfort or old age. Do you know better? And, if someone has other hand problems (carpal tunnel, arth, etc) there is a chance they are confusing changes to their hand anatomy with nerve damage. Again, without a well controlled study, we just don't know.

I think you're wrong, impossibly stubborn and looking for a fight. Take it easy.

11/29/2005 23:31

not registered

11/29/2005 23:31

not registered


I thought the purpose of this chat room was to share experiences with dups and first "hand" knowledge--how it has affected us and how we have dealt with it. I thought this was about helping people with the disease.
It seems that it deteriorates to name calling and snide remarks.

We all know that there is limited data out there about NA.
We should share what we know and/or what we feel and respect each other's opinions.
Each person must decide what is best for them depending on their circumstances.

11/29/2005 23:32
Randy H.

not registered

11/29/2005 23:32
Randy H.

not registered

Nerve Damage

Sam, if you challenge someone's strongly held positions they might actually defend their positions and challenge you right back. I see no need to answer personal attacks, however. Nice chatting with you.

Randini :-)

11/29/2005 23:00
Sam in PA

not registered

11/29/2005 23:00
Sam in PA

not registered

Nerve Damage


You are a nasty, evil person. You pick fights. Make arguements that did not exist until you created them and then try to take the high road. Wow! Where do you come from?

My question were to bring to light that just saying surgery causes more nerve damage than NA was not valid or based on any real data. I asked you to provide some backup to support your claim and you go the deepend, attach whoever questions you and try to put yourself above the fray you create.

You are a phoney and a fake and I guess, just afraid or unable to admit that you might be wrong. So, again, show the proof or please stop pestering good people with your attitude.

11/29/2005 23:00

not registered

11/29/2005 23:00

not registered

randy and sam

Hope this personal "interaction" between you two is over. It really did no one any good and did not belong in this forum! ps: was somewhat entertaining though; unbiased opinion, randy is right and sam, well you are way out of line. Hope both your dups remisses! jey

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