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Interesting articles from UK NHS
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02/25/2006 23:30
Michael Lukins

not registered

02/25/2006 23:30
Michael Lukins

not registered

Sara - NA Availability

I was referred to the Countess of Chester by my GP 'cos neither he nor I could find a UK practitioner of NA. You could have knocked me down with a feather when my man proposed it.

I think he sees it as simply buying me some time - my finger was just at stage 1 and the contracture in my palm is expected to re-occur sooner with NA.

I had read elsewhere, possibly in this forum, that in the finger the nodules and the nerves are closely intertwined and the consultant said something to that effect and felt that to use NA would be to go blindly into a difficult situation. I can't now quote the exact terms of what I read nor his exact words but it all seemed to fit together at the time. I apologise if my vagueness is unhelpful.

I didn't think to ask where he was trained.

    02/28/2006 23:37
    02/28/2006 23:37
    NA palm/finger

    Thanks for the reply. I am glad your experience was a positive one. I think this is where some of the confusion arises in the information coming from PCTs about NA. There may be certain surgeons who would treat the palm by fasciotomy, but I have yet to hear of anyone treated for a PIP joint contracture (which I have) in this country. Even in France they make no secret of the fact that this is the most difficult to treat, but I am living proof that it can and does work!

      03/08/2006 23:50
      03/08/2006 23:50
      NA here

      You will not be surprised to hear that the BSSH were not interested in my plea that some, even one of their members go to France for training in NA. I cannot understand why no-one will listen without having the facts at their fingertips. I mean, how long would it take someone to pop over the channel and spend half a day finding out about NA? All this fear about hitting and damaging nerves is a load of rubbish. The injection does not deaden the nerves, only the top skin so, any pain felt by the patient means that the needle is too close to the nerve. At this point, the needle is moved away from that area.
      I had a PIP done in Paris. As you say it is the most difficult to do but, my finger is only half as bent as it was and that's fine by me.

        03/09/2006 23:15

        not registered

        03/09/2006 23:15

        not registered

        NA here

        Hi Marjorie,

        So sorry to hear you haven't got anywhere with the BSSH. You are an inspiration.

        Personally, I've moved towards following the same path you did by contacting my MPP's office etc.... The responses have all been positive ...but...I haven't spoke with anyone who has real power yet.

        Along the way one person suggested I contact the person from the Opposition who is responsible for being the watchdog for 'health' then explain the procedure to them since it's their job to bring up hard questions in the House such as 'Why are we doing it yet?' but this is a last resort since everyone has been so great to date.


          03/09/2006 23:56
          03/09/2006 23:56
          NA here

          Frances, hi,
          I have contacted the Healthcare Commission to see if they will deal with my case. Will let you know what they say. I am appalled to learn that no-one in our supposedly up to date country is doing NA.
          Thanks for the info about the opposition member for health. I will find out who it is and make some enquiries.
          Was it you who said that your DC is rampant?


            03/09/2006 23:44

            not registered

            03/09/2006 23:44

            not registered

            NA here

            Hi Marjorie,

            Haha.... they must have been confusing my hands with my mouth! I don't have DC, but have many family members and a husband who do.


              03/10/2006 23:05
              03/10/2006 23:05
              NA here

              Thank you for all the effort you are putting into getting NA here. I know how frustrated you feel, as I have got nowhere with mine. Even my MP just seemed to be "going through the motions". Did I ever tell you that my PCT stated there was "little or no demand for this procedure in the area"! Absurd! How can there be demand if most people don't know about it! It almost seems like they don't want to admit they are wrong and using antiquated methods. Two years after acceptance and no further down the line. If the US can take it on board why on earth can't we?

                03/10/2006 23:00
                03/10/2006 23:00

                Hi Sara and Frances,
                I know that there is a doctor/surgeon in my area who is doing the 'simple fasciotomy'. I am going to write to him and ask if he has any interest in doing 'needle aponeurotomy. His reply, if any, will be interesting.

                  03/10/2006 23:02
                  03/10/2006 23:02

                  Sorry Frances,
                  I must have mis-understood. It must have been your husband you were writing about at the time.

                    03/13/2006 23:45
                    03/13/2006 23:45

                    Hi Sara and Frances,
                    Today I have had a reply from the Healthcare Commission. They are willing to take up my case with my PCT. Will complete the forms and include the items they have requested as soon as I have the time. Still catching up since I returned from holiday.
                    Frances, I think your idea of funding someone to go to Paris for training is great. Is anyone taking you up on it?

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                      training   surgery   doctors   consultant   patients   Marjorie   treatment   Interesting   Frances   procedure   because   HOWEVER   interested   surgeons   Surgeon   fasciotomy   collagenase   hospital   progress   information