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Interesting articles from UK NHS
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12/05/2005 23:13
12/05/2005 23:13
Confusing Then With The Facts

Hi Sara,
I have instigated a complaints procedure against my PCT and am awaiting reply. This should not take more than two days according to their leaflet. I pointed out that the British Society for Surgery of the Hand details NA as being an alternative to Surgery or Simple Fasciotomy. In the meantime I have been bombarding the NHS, NICE etc for details of who does the NA procedure in the UK. So far, I have had my email to NICE returned as undeliverable, despite the fact that I got the address from their webpage, and, a very nice reply from one department of the NHS despite it saying that they could not deal with queries. They did, however, direct me to another NHS webpage where I found yet another email address and sent off a query.
If I do not get any joy from my PCT I will request an independant review of my complaint by the Healthcare Commission.
I will keep the forum up to date with progress or lack of it.

    12/06/2005 23:17
    12/06/2005 23:17
    Confusing Then With The Facts

    Hi Sara,
    Today I recieved a letter from my PCT saying that my complaint would be investigated.
    I also recieved an email from the NHS enquiry service saying that they are unable to find anyone who uses needle aponeurotomy on Dupuytrens Contracture. However, they did give me an email contact to the British Society for Surgery of the Hand. Yet another email has been sent. We shall see what comes from the BSSH.

      12/06/2005 23:27

      not registered

      12/06/2005 23:27

      not registered

      Confusing Then With The Facts

      Go get'em Marjorie!

        12/11/2005 23:00

        not registered

        12/11/2005 23:00

        not registered

        Confusing Then With The Facts

        Have you heard anything yet?

          12/11/2005 23:23
          12/11/2005 23:23
          Confusing Then With The Facts

          Who are you ?

            01/31/2006 23:16
            01/31/2006 23:16
            Confusing Then With The Facts

            I now have it on the highest authority that there is nobody performing NA on the NHS in the UK. The following is a reply from the BSSH.

            "I have taken up your request with our Honorary Secretary who has asked me to thank you for your enquiry and inform you that the procedure needle fasciotomy is not available in the UK, but in many cases slightly more though not extensive surgery, often under local anaesthetic, is considered more effective and less risky for modest contracture"

            The procedure available is the Simple Fasciotomy where small cuts are made and the cords are cut with a stitch cutter.
            There is a private clinic in London where NA is performed but a trip to Paris will cost less.

              01/31/2006 23:25

              not registered

              01/31/2006 23:25

              not registered

              Confusing Then With The Facts

              Does this mean you can now ask to have your travel and medical expenses covered?


                01/31/2006 23:54
                01/31/2006 23:54
                Confusing Then With The Facts

                Hi Frances,
                No chance, the PCT are adamant that the simple fasciotomy is an acceptable alternative to NA and will not budge. My official complaint was turned down on those grounds.
                Next week I am off on holiday for four weeks so will see how I feel about taking my claim to the Healthcare Commission when I return. It is 4 below freezing here and I am off to get some sunshine in the Canary Islands.
                Take care,

                  01/31/2006 23:47
                  Randy H.

                  not registered

                  01/31/2006 23:47
                  Randy H.

                  not registered

                  Confusing Then With The Facts

                  "considered more effective and less risky for modest contracture"

                  The "more effective" part of that statement is questionable because of the greater trauma introduced to the hand Vs NA. The "less risky" is based mostly on conjecture, given the fact that Eaton has proven that NA, when done by a trained surgeon, is the safest medical intervention for Dups in existence.

                  So, in spite of their stated nerve damage concern, NICE has approved NA. But no doctor is doing it? Boy, this NA nerve damage myth is a hard one to kill.

                    01/31/2006 23:30

                    not registered

                    01/31/2006 23:30

                    not registered

                    NA in UK

                    Hi Marjorie,

                    Crazy merri-go-round isn't it? Well you are an inspiration to all of us. The road you've been trudging will probably make them more willing to accept any surgeon who decides to learn NA. Afterall...they know they are not making sense....they've approved a procedure for which no one has been trained so now they are scrambling to give an answer...any answer. Eventually someone will go to France.

                    In my best imitation british accent I can hear them saying .... 'Thank goodness they've learned that NA-thing, now we won't have to worry about receiving any more postage from that blasted Marjorie woman.' ;-)

                    Have fun in the Canary Islands.

                    God Bless,

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