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Is Dupuytrens Hereditary?
11/25/2008 09:26
11/25/2008 09:26
Is Dupuytrens Hereditary?

Hi i am in for an opp in January to have corrective surgery on my little finger, but i am worried that it will return as the condition seems to run in my family down my mums side of the family but only in the males for some reason. i have it in my little finger on my right hand my brother has Ledderhose in his right foot my cussin has it in his finger the same as me he is a glazier, as dose my uncle steve he is a fireman my uncle walt had it in both of his hands he was a fireman his son also has it in his right hand my other cusin mark has it in his little finger he is an electritian, the family name is Creece i believe it to be of french decent. what i am wondering is if there are any others out there of the same name and complaint as there seems to be a pattern forming so back to the question is dupuytrens Hereditary? in my case i would say it is is there anyone out there with a similar story?


11/25/2008 09:59


11/25/2008 09:59


Re: Is Dupuytrens Hereditary?

Chris, there is no doubt that there is a hereditary component in Dupuytren's disease. It might require additional factors to ultimately trigger the disease and it might even be that those factors can trigger the disease without familiy involvement but in many cases Dupuytren's goes by families. The reason why only the men in your family seem to suffer from Dupuytren's might be that men typically develop the symptoms 10 - 20 years earlier. My mother developed her first nodule at the age of 82, I got my first one with 35.

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11/25/2008 10:30
11/25/2008 10:30
Re: Is Dupuytrens Hereditary?

Thanks for the quick response.

ok my weakness is Medieval History so what i am now thinking about is how far can we trace this back i make light of my condition saying it is my viking blood but of cause it has nothing to do with that however wouldnt it be good if we could trace the pathology of the condition through the remains of our ancestors, i am thinking about creating a website to do just that i have many contacts in the world of Archeaology so i may be able to get somwhere with this i will keep you posted...


11/26/2008 03:16
11/26/2008 03:16

Re: Is Dupuytrens Hereditary?

Australia Calling, Hi Chris.
You may be closer to the truth than you think. Dupuytrens is known as the Viking Disease. You did not mention if you have any contraction to you finger. Are you aware that the first operation may be the trigger for the next. I've had 15 opeations including 4 skin grafts. My last repeat operation in june 07 on my right index finger caused a number of nodules to form in the web and on the thumb and triggered a large nodule on the left index finger. I had radiotherapy treatment in Germany, and am happy with the result. Radiotherapy works best where there is no contracture and treated in the early stages. Explore all the options before surgery.How old are you. Sometimes Dupuytrens lays dormant for years. I was diagnosed at 35 yrs of age but no surgery until 15 yrs later. I also developed ledderhose about 7yrs ago and this was treated in Germany with RT with good results Regards

11/26/2008 17:56
11/26/2008 17:56
Re: Is Dupuytrens Hereditary?

hi yes my finger is fully contracted and i also have it in my third didget as well but there is no contracture in that one as of yet i have a pre opp apointment at castle hill in hull on monday with Mr Roy so all sugestions will be noted and i will bring them up with him on monday to explore all the options. i first noticed it at the age of 21 i am now 34 on xmas eve the surgen did say that i would most probably have to have further surgery in later life.


11/26/2008 23:55
11/26/2008 23:55
Re: Is Dupuytrens Hereditary?

I have had similar circumsatnces first diagnosed at the age of 30 with it in my right little finger and surgery in 1980 it returned by 1990 it was bad enough that the scar runs from the tip of my finger to my wrist. In 2000 it developed in my left little not wanting another surgery I put off doing anything about after being locked at 90 degrees for 5 years I was going to have it operated on Nov 14th of this year then I found this site and decided to try NA it was done on Nov 7th so far no problems. I have been in physical therapy 3 times a week with movement now at 20 degrees and no pain at all. And yes my mother also has it in both her hands but at the age of 82 doesn't want to do anything till she has to. If you want I can send photos of just before during and after the NA procedure. At your age I would sure look into some alternatives to surgery with all the scaring and therapy with not much better odds of it returning.

11/27/2008 08:36
11/27/2008 08:36
Re: Is Dupuytrens Hereditary?

Hi please do send photos as i can then compare with my own little finger my email address is cjkeyworth@hotmail.co.uk, interesting story by the way

11/27/2008 23:03
11/27/2008 23:03
Re: Is Dupuytrens Hereditary?

Hi looks like a good result for you unfortunatly mine looks far worst than yours my little finger is totaly bent both knuckles, i will take some pictures and show you what i mean but i will discus the option with Mr Roy on monday and see what he says about it. i must say i am a bit aprehensive about having the surgey done in january mainly as it means i will be off work for 8 to 10 wks with it.

ive also been getting alot of pain in my palm and wrist Mr roy will also be operating on my arm to release the nerve,.

many years ago i actually chopped my thumb off and had it reatached and to be fair its the only part of my hand that i feel actually works properly apart from a little numbness in the tip.

i get bad cramps in my hand when i grip things for any length of time and regular dop hot coffee and beer all over the place so ive learnt now to use my left hand for most things.
i smoke as well and i am unable to hand roll a ciggy


thanks for the pics by the way very interesting.

12/01/2008 01:41
12/01/2008 01:41
Re: Is Dupuytrens Hereditary?

okay,it was mentioned that surgery can be a trigger.
are there any other known/suspected triggers?
it was mentioned elsewhere on this sight,
dont take chondroiten/glucosemine,as that might strengthen the bands...
all of this is helpful...

02/08/2009 14:51

not registered

02/08/2009 14:51

not registered

Re: Is Dupuytrens Hereditary?

I've read that hand injury causes Dupuytrens to become active, if you are genetically programmed to get it. For me, this is true. I accidentally stabbed my left palm with a knife - and within months, the first nodules started in that palm. Then I broke my right wrist and shortly after, developed nodules in my right hand. I read later that a radial wrist fracture can cause DC to advance. My father has had multiple surgeries on most fingers plus NA on one finger. My sister has Ledderhosen plus dupuytrens. I have dupuytrens in both hands with painful nodules, deep puckering but so far only one finger starting to contract. Our ancestors were of Viking ancestry. We're New Zealanders but ancestors came from Yorkshire.

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