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Post-RT options for Ledderhose
09/24/2022 14:28
09/24/2022 14:28
Post-RT options for Ledderhose

Six years after what I thought was successful radiation treatment for Ledderhose, I started feeling a minor ache and then, soon after, a small fibroma appeared on the radiated foot. Back at the hospital, the radiation oncologists said it was uncommon to have such a breakthrough and that they could not do more RT because of risk to tissue and bones. While I can live with my situation as it is now, I fear the fibroma getting bigger in the future (I am 63).

I just learned about magnesium supplements having potentially positive results at the active growth stage. What are your thoughts on the supplement and any other treatment options available to someone in my post-RT situation -- either now or down the road, should I need it. Many thanks.

09/24/2022 16:10


09/24/2022 16:10


Re: Post-RT options for Ledderhose

Hi moe

Sorry to hear your update. I myself take a magnesium supplement, but not based on any evidence of a deficiency in my normal diet; it's just one of the minerals included in an generic supplement targeted at older people that I take, and again I have no evidence whether I need that either. My DD is stable for now, also a tennis player, and have had RT. So some similarities with you although I don't have LD. We have an older thread discussing magnesium here https://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_...ium-0_2194.html

A third half RT dose 15Gy is possible in some circumstances and done by some radiologists, but it seems you have considered this? At my age I would consult again for this as a possible option.

There are mixed reports on the long term benefits of steroid injections, you might want to investigate patient feedback on the use of verapamil, look into hyaluronidase injections, keep an eye on the clinical trials in the US for Xiaflex and see if cryosurgery is available ahead of full excision via conventional surgery (which has mixed feedback or outcomes).

Best wishes SB

09/25/2022 13:28
09/25/2022 13:28
Re: Post-RT options for Ledderhose

Thank you, SB. I too have DD in both hands and had bilateral fasciectomy in 2012. Nodules grew back almost immediately on one hand so I had it radiated six years ago along with the one foot. Am pretty happy with the RT results on the hand so far (just a little tightness) and am able to play racquet sports without discomfort. The non-radiated post-op hand is very good, no further growth. My second foot, meanwhile, was radiated in spring of 2020 and I am still hoping for improvement...

Last week, I was prepared to do a third half-dose of RT on both feet when I saw the doctors, but they were reluctant. At what age would you consider further radiation, SB?

I think I will pause and look into the other suggestions you provided and would only consider surgery if walking became painful. So grateful for this site as a one-stop source of global information.

09/26/2022 06:39


09/26/2022 06:39


Re: Post-RT options for Ledderhose

At what age would you consider further radiation, SB?
My comment was a personal one based on my own age and attitude to health and life. I'm in my 70's. I am not aware of specific guidelines concerning age and further RT, but hope a radiologist would advise based on factors such as type and state of skin, tissue, vascular structures, success or otherwise of previous RT treatment, other conditions of the hand or foot, and the time elapsed since previous treatment, etc.

There is a thread discussing some of this here https://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_...1548247359.html, where ProfS provides his view https://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_...48247359.html#6 and Dr Shaffer in the UK provides his view https://www.thedupuytrenspractice.com/20...erhose-disease/

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