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Borax, Raw Eggs, Exercise and lots of water
08/01/2019 05:01
08/01/2019 05:01
Borax, Raw Eggs, Exercise and lots of water

I'm a 36 year old Male. First nodule appeared 6 months ago. Five months in I had 5 nodules in one hand and 1 nodule in the other. I was diagnosed about a month ago. I started scouring the internet and have spent dozens of hours reading everything i could from every source possible. The therapies that stuck out to me for people who seemed to have had "miraculous" turn arounds were boron supplementation, raw eggs, exercise, and lots of water. So I decided to go full bore on all four of them. I want to be cured, not live with this. So my regimen has been this. Every day 1/8 teaspoon of borax (could not find boron pills, 4 raw eggs, 30 miles of mountain biking, and at least 2 liters of water. Only 2 weeks in, all nodules have softened and receded considerably with 2 of the 5 now being almost undetectable. My hand is no longer sore, and none of the nodules are "tough" like they has been. they have all softened and when I stretch my hand it no longer hurts like it did. There has been a CONSIDERABLE and positive change in only 2 weeks. Just wanted to share my experience and will continue to post updates as things progress.

08/01/2019 05:09
08/01/2019 05:09
Re: Borax, Raw Eggs, Exercise and lots of water

I also have a suspicion that the vibration in my hands from the intense mountain biking every day could definitely be helping to increase circulation into my hands and could be one of the easily overlooked factors contributing to the success of my current regimen

08/01/2019 06:33


08/01/2019 06:33


Re: Borax, Raw Eggs, Exercise and lots of water

Thanks for sharing your experience. The condition does, for many go in cycles, so it’s difficult to say if or what is helping. Can you provide references for people’s other positive experiences with your regime or why you chose that. Please do come back in a few months or years and let us know how it turns out, but for many this recession or dormancy happens anyway. Do you have before and after photos?

I switched to using ergonomic grips with my mountain bike, because the pressure on nodules was just too uncomfortable, but I have a related positive experience anecdote than you can read about here https://www.dupuytren-online.info/Forum_...55519091.html#3, that mirrors your positive mountain bike experience with your hands.

08/01/2019 07:48
08/01/2019 07:48
Re: Borax, Raw Eggs, Exercise and lots of water

Unfortunately I did not take pictures before. Here is one article on boron.


I also read an obscure post somewhere by an elderly gentleman, not on a dup forum, who stated boron completely cured him and his wifes dup. Took about a year.

The raw eggs I came across in the comments section of a YouTube video, and there were a handful of replies from people who said they started taking raw eggs every day and were making big improvements. I'll have to try and track down the video

boronorphanagents   considerably   miraculous   positive   Exercise   undetectable   mountain   CONSIDERABLE   experiences   improvements   references   supplementation   people’s   circulation   uncomfortable   dupuytren-online   Unfortunately   experience   ns-contracture   contributing