Post Op Palmer Fasciectomy |
04/21/2017 12:31
04/21/2017 12:31
Post Op Palmer Fasciectomy
Hello, I have recently had a Palmer Fasciectomy done on my left hand for Dupuytren's Disease. I wanted to say that I have absolutely NO regrets as it was a success. I suffered NO pain following the surgery, and it is healing quickly. I can now bend my hand & fingers back for the first time in two and a half years. It is wonderful and I would recommend this method to anyone.I will be going back to have a second surgery for my thumb, which still has the Disease to be removed. I am VERY happy with the results. I have enclosed Pictures below. Thank you.
04/21/2017 12:47
04/21/2017 12:47
Re: Post Op Palmer Fasciectomy
Hi, good to hear it went so well. Please advise who was the surgeon and where based. Thanks
04/21/2017 15:43
spanishbuddha  Administrator
04/21/2017 15:43
spanishbuddha  Administrator
Re: Post Op Palmer Fasciectomy
Thanks for sharing this Metzie. It's nice to get good reports of successful surgery for DD as the ones we get are usually not so good. It would be interesting and useful to know why it works so well for some and not for others. We ususually recommend finding a surgeon with LOTS of experience treating DD.
Are you doing post-op physio and night splinting?
04/21/2017 18:36
04/21/2017 18:36
Re: Post Op Palmer Fasciectomy
That's good to hear. I'll be honest: my own experience of surgery hasn't been great. I'm having post op therapy, splinting (spring for daytime, fixed for night) etc but the finger is now back at about 40 degrees contracture (better than it was at 90!) and is still very sore and stiff. I, too, would be interested to know what indications there are pre-surgery as to the level of success. Mine was pretty bad, PIP joint and well advanced due to misdiagnosis - perhaps palm nodules have a higher 'fixed' rate? Or perhaps timing has something to do with it?
04/22/2017 05:44
wach  Administrator
04/22/2017 05:44
wach  Administrator
Re: Post Op Palmer Fasciectomy
The individual outcome of surgery and of all other current treatments is unfortunately still fairly unpredictable, irrespective of efforts like O.W. Donaldson et al. “The association between intraoperative correction of Dupuytren's disease and residual postoperative contracture“ (Dupuytren Award 2011 My hand surgeon, who has extensive experience with operating Dupuytren's and did a great job on operating me, once asked me "do you kow what makes a good hand surgeon?" I didn't know so he answered himself "Picking the right patients". Although that was humorous it holds some truth.
For radiotherapy treating "fresh" nodules has the best chances while older cords have less. Nodules are usually not operated on and PIP joints of the little finger are generally the worst to treat. Personally I believe that minimally invasive treatments are better suited for Dupuytren's because surgical trauma can trigger the growth of new nodules. But that's just my own opinion (and experience). With Dupuytren's every patient is different.
Luciferette: That's good to hear. I'll be honest: my own experience of surgery hasn't been great. I'm having post op therapy, splinting (spring for daytime, fixed for night) etc but the finger is now back at about 40 degrees contracture (better than it was at 90!) and is still very sore and stiff. I, too, would be interested to know what indications there are pre-surgery as to the level of success. Mine was pretty bad, PIP joint and well advanced due to misdiagnosis - perhaps palm nodules have a higher 'fixed' rate? Or perhaps timing has something to do with it?
05/02/2017 08:41
05/02/2017 08:41
Re: Post Op Palmer Fasciectomy
allanbconway: Hi, good to hear it went so well. Please advise who was the surgeon and where based. Thanks
Hello, My Surgeon was Dr. Fitzgerald of Westfield, NY
05/02/2017 08:43
05/02/2017 08:43
Re: Post Op Palmer Fasciectomy
spanishbuddha: Thanks for sharing this Metzie. It's nice to get good reports of successful surgery for DD as the ones we get are usually not so good. It would be interesting and useful to know why it works so well for some and not for others. We ususually recommend finding a surgeon with LOTS of experience treating DD.
Are you doing post-op physio and night splinting?
Hello, No, I don't have to do any splinting. My Surgeon was DR. Fitzgerald of Westfield, NY. I haven't needed any Therapy on the hand either. I have had some nerve pain but, that is to be expected.