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NICE Initial Consultation Response on approval for RT for DC
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06/16/2010 11:24
06/16/2010 11:24
Betz paper is copyrighten but the abstract is available

Unfortunately I believe it is copyright, but the abstract is available on this website: http://www.dupuytren-online.de/downloads...rens_Betz2.PDF

06/16/2010 18:31
06/16/2010 18:31
Re: NICE Initial Consultation Response on approval for RT for DC

Thanks for the article. I feel it reconfirmed my RT treatement decision.


06/28/2010 22:59
06/28/2010 22:59
New set of documents

NICE appear to have attempted issue 3 new consultation documents, unfortunately I am unable to read them this evening, the documents appear to be empty directorities to me. I have emailed NICE to ask them to fix this potential problems, hopefully they will be fixed by the morning?


06/29/2010 08:48
06/29/2010 08:48
Re: New consultation documents

As expected the consultation process seems to have been restarted, if you have time could you please provide your own feedback on these updated consultation documents? I think the committee were positively surprised with the volume of patient feedback on the previous round of this consultation - the more feedback the better; positive or negative. Feedback needs to be completed by 27th July 2010.

The overview document from what I can tell is almost identical to the previous one apart from data from the Betz paper being added ( http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/12353/49553/49553.pdf ). I feel it should also include reference to the more recent consultation with an oncologist, although with the 3 hand surgeons from the previous round.

The comments and responses document makes interesting reading and appear to reflect views often expressed on this forum. ( http://www.nice.org.uk/nicemedia/live/12353/49557/49557.pdf ).

The consultation document ( http://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/index.js...cle&o=49554 ) has updated recommendations going from "this procedure should only be used in the context of research" to "this procedure should only be used with special arrangements for clinical governance, consent and audit or research". The text describes the procedure a clinician needs to go through before undertaking RT, I am hoping this will not be too onerous for the clinician and will not impede the use of RT in the UK. I will attempt to get an explanation out of NICE as to the implications of this proposed process and provide feedback on the forum but this might not be available before the 27th July deadline.

06/29/2010 15:21
06/29/2010 15:21
Feedback to some questions about the conclusions document

If anyone is interested I sent some questions to Ben Doak, NICE's project manager, about the conclusions, his answers are in red

.....questions about the conclusions as follows:

1. “Inform the clinical governance leads in their Trusts”– is this at all onerous for the radiotherapy clinician – will it require them getting permission to perform the treatment from a committee or is the notification purely informational? Does this apply to private clinics? The clinical governance lead in a hospital is usually the medical director. This recommendation is basically to ensure that the hospital is aware that this procedure is being performed. It is not intended to be onerous for the specialist using the technique. Our Programme has a memorandum of understanding with private industry which maintains that our guidance should be followed in private practice where it exists.
2. “Clinicians should provide patients with clear written information “– is this written information to be provided by NICE or is it for individual clinicians to draw up? Would it for example be a good idea to ask ******** the oncologist recently consulted on the procedure to put together this written document for patients? Will these document(s) be available for comment? Clinicians are able to choose what information they use to consent patients. The wording here is relaxed to allow clinicians with good consenting practices to continue doing what they do already. NICE produces a lay translation of the guidance which may be used by clinicians (though they don’t have to use it).
3. “Audit and review clinical outcomes of all patients having ... & section 3.)” – it might be possible for the Dupuytren’s Society or the Dupuytren’s Foundation to provide examples of preevious questionnaires used in previous similar studies which you could use in the development of your audit process? Clearly having an audit process will be very useful for building up a knowledge base of treatment in the UK, I feel it is important to get the questions right from the start given this process might be used for many years. Thank you. It will be useful to see this information. If you could forward this to me, I will pass it on to the team at NICE that develops the audit tool.

07/15/2010 11:53
07/15/2010 11:53
Re: NICE Initial Consultation Response on approval for RT for DC

Big 'thank you' to > PhilipHa1

Your coverage of the NICE developments and your pro-active approach to the committees work is extremely important & is very much appreciated.

07/23/2010 15:44
07/23/2010 15:44
Deadline Tuesday 27th July for feedback on NICE consultation (UK)

Just to remind you, the deadline for feedback on the latest round of NICE consultations on RT for DD is Tuesday 27th July.

Last time around NICE said they were pleasantly surprised with the volume of patient feedback on the consultation. So if you feel you would like to make comments on the consultation, please do so this weekend!




07/26/2010 11:55
07/26/2010 11:55
Re: Feedback deadline for tomorrow 27th July

Hi everyone,

I have just contacted Ben Doak, the project manager for the NICE consultation and it would be very helpful if you could provide feedback on the consultaion as soon as possible - the more feedback the better, he has had a 'few' responses so far?

Even if your response is just to say that you are happy with the updated proposals this would be very helpful. This consultation is an important step in improving the choice of treatments available to patients. A positive response to this consulation is not just important in the UK, but is also helpful on a more worldwide basis as the results of NICE consulations are often referred to, or used by other countries.




07/26/2010 12:33
07/26/2010 12:33
Re: NICE Initial Consultation Response on approval for RT for DC

Web-site showing:

This page has not been found.
If you followed a link from elsewhere on the NICE website to reach this page, please let us know.
If you need assistance finding the information you require, please contact us.

07/26/2010 14:28
07/26/2010 14:28
Re: Weblink for feedback by Tuesday 27th July


Sorry that was my fault, it must be because I cut and pasted the link from the previous post, and not from my browser, I hope the following link


Should work, and please everyone if you have time provide feedback.



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